Clerk/Treasurer's Village Office


The village office is located on the North side of the Jean M. Thomsen Memorial Library.

Jan Tischendorf                                

Office:  105 N Gershwin Street
                  Stetsonville, WI  54480

 Phone:  715-678-2191 (please leave voice mail)

Email:     [email protected]

Office hours:  Mon-Tues-Thurs:  7:30 am - 2:00 pm; Wed-7:30 am to 11:30 am; Fri-closed except by appointment

Please use white drop box on north side of Jean M. Thomsen Memorial Library for payments and correspondence.  There is also a payment slot by the clerk/treasurer office door in the hallway to library. 


**If I am out of the office, I may be on errands or doing business.  This is a one-person office!

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